Forget the Russians: It's the Federal Reserve seeking to meddle in our elections

Last week, the facade of Federal Reserve “independence” was dealt a severe blow. Ironically, the person who broadcast to the world that the Fed is anything but “independent” was ex-New York Fed President Bill Dudley. Dudley wrote that, “Trump’s re-election arguably presents a threat to the United States’ and global economy, and if the goal of monetary policy is to achieve the best long-term economic outcome, the Fed’s officials should consider how their decisions would affect the political outcome of 2020.”

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Paula Gnacke
Socialist proposed Great Lakes Authority is a Bad Green Deal

Detroit Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) has begun organizing with some local elected officials for the creation of a new federal bureaucracy, in the vein of the Tennessee Valley Authority, called the “Great Lakes Authority.” The GLA would be a regional planning agency enacted under the umbrella of the “Green New Deal.” Its mandate: to force new "green union jobs" and government controlled "economic development" to the Midwest.

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Paula Gnacke