Liberty Links


Check your address to see who is registered to vote in your household.


The Grand New Party PAC exists to support strong, proven, vetted conservative candidates in the state legislature, county commission and school boards. We are giving the resources to candidates so they will feel empowered to do the right thing.



Representing your neighborhood as its Precinct Delegate is an elected position. It’s generally easy to get elected, a great way to serve as a conduit between the community and the political party you chose to serve in, you can have an input on issues, and help replace bad leaders with good ones whom will defend liberty. The next election for Precinct Delegates will be in August of 2024. Once the forms are available, we will post the link here. If you have any questions, please contact us.


Liberty books


Reading is key to learning, strengthening the mind and growing as an effective activist for liberty.

Below are some key literary works.

The Federalist Papers

The Anti-Federalist Papers

Common Sense

The Revolution, a Manifesto

End the Fed

The Road to Serfdom

Human Action

Real Dissent

Economics in One Easy Lesson

The Art of War

Confrontational Politics

CLICK HERE to catch the Liberty Report, listen to a liberty viewpoint on the issues of the day, posted weekdays. Below is a sample video.

CLICK HERE to catch the Liberty Report, listen to a liberty viewpoint on the issues of the day, posted weekdays. Below is a sample video.

“Inflation is Destroying the Middle Class: Blame the Fed”

Liberty quote(1).png

Disclaimer: for information only. Some views expressed from off site links may not represent the views of each member of the Wayne 12th or the committee.


The mission of the Rescue Michigan Coalition is to reclaim the lost liberties of the people of Michigan, rebuild our shattered communities, and restore the constitutional order of representational government in Michigan.


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The Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership - The goal of the Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership is to help conservative citizens like you understand how the political process really works in America, and how you can use this knowledge to make real change at the local, state, and even national level. The fundamental fact that you will be taught is, “unless you are politically feared, you will not be politically respected.” We will teach you how to be politically feared. - Mike Rothfeld President of FACL



Welcome to Great Lakes Gun Rights (GLGR) - the only “No Compromise” gun rights group in Michigan! We believe in 100% firearms liberty for Michigan. We believe the Second Amendment is the only “permit” you should need to keep and bear arms.