Sedition or Rebellion Against an Unjust Government?
Both public servants and journalists alike seemed shocked and distrubed by the events on January 6th 2021 folllowing a rally and speech given by President Trump—but not the 74 million Americans nor the millions who never vote.
Right off the bat, the so-called breach of the Capital Building did not pass the smell test for many watching—how could a govenment building of such imporatnce have had such a lack of organized security? Video even demonstrated capital police opening up the baracades. With so many expected that day, why was the National Guard not better prepared by the leaders whose job it was to have them ready?
We may never know the answers, but what we do know is while shocking visually., is that rebeliion was an inevitable reaction to decades of government overreach and abuse of power. The so-called “summer of love” in 2020 demonstrated that. Lockdown and police protests—people who should have been marching arm-in-arm over that common thread.
We are being divided in order to conquer us for control by peopel with little reguard for the Constituion or the rule of law who are now dismayed by those who stormed their “Ivory Tower”.
No one wants to see the bloodshed of fellow Americans and certainly not of our law enfocement, but should the tensions that spilled over on January 6th not be property and honestly addressed by those who have served the public by stealing their money in excessive taxation, wasted their money through reckless spending, sending our young adults into undeclared wars of agression, force manddates and lockdowns to ruin our businesses than this will only get worse.
Public servants and the media need to wake up to see the years of damage they have done which was complicit to the rebellion on January 6th.