Has Rashida Tlaib become mentally unfit to serve?
On Thursday, February 4th, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib took to the House floor for what amounted to less of a floor speech and more of a theatrical performance, or worse yet, a desparte plea for professional help in the way a patient would dumping their emotions on a psychiatrist’s chair.
View Tlaib’s unstable and baseless rant here >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRkzF3RKNP8&feature=emb_logo
Gone on this day is the brash and obnoxious ranting for “impeaching the Mother Fuc*er”, the tough gutter talk, and the “unabosssed mama bear.” Instead on this day, joined by theatical partner in politcals, Congresswoman Sandy Cortez who had her emotional tirad on Instagram, stood an emotionally unstable “victim”.
Democrats rely heavily on playing at the heartstrings of their potential voters and to the media, who will sell the performance the way any good theater critic would. However, the reality is that million of Americans see straight through these actors—January 6th was the day average Americans became fed-up finally with decades of overreach and abuse of power by political elitists, such as Cortez and Tlaib. The fuse that ignited millions was an appalling election process riddled with questionable actions and a judicial system scared to admit the truth about electronic fraud, ballot harvesting, and foreign interference as Democrats like Tlaib were screaming about in 2016.
What the political elites are crafting here is a movie— Act 1 is the President who spoke of “peacefully and patriotically making our voices heard” , yet secretly leading a “white nationalist” coup. Act 2 are the “domestic terrorists” charging the Capital to begin “an insurrection” led by people carrying American flags and a guy with face paint wearing a Vikings hat—still not absurd enough? Act 3 is our lying eyes which only saw a handful of vandals (who should be charged and punished) and thousands of people simply occupying a space in and mostly outside their Capital who left as peacefully as they came. Video shows Capital Police lowering barricades and protesters walking between ropes as if on a school field trip, yet we are to beleive they were trying to “overthrow their government.”
January 6th was many things but rioting, insurrection and domestic terrorism were not among the themes as actually was the case all summer when these same emotional basket cases, such as Tlaib and Cortez, were inciting the violence that held this nation hostage to a group of petulant narcissists.
The deeper issue is that when you shove your viewpoints down the collective throats of every day Americans who just want to work and provide, when you vote to steal their money for your pet projects, when you send their children into harm’s way for profit or global positioning, when treat your constituents like subjects to lockdown and determine who is or isn’t “essential”, and when you apply the law unequally dividing people into social groups to pit against one another, than days like January 6th becomes inevitable.
The problem is that the people who occupy the Ivory Towers in government are either so disconnected from reality, or it’s all just a show in order weave a web of control over the American people through nefarious policies, while they collect a paycheck and eventually leave public office wealthier than when they arrived.
Either way, the public is fed-up, and no amount of emotional ranting or pity parties about “taking this moment seriously” are going to change the anger Americans feel today as a direct result of these government tyrants on both sides of the isle not taking us or our liberties seriously.
To be clear, niether myself as Chairman, nor our ccommittee condones violence, we condemn all of it, not some of it—We do not overlook some because of poltical leanings. At the same time we condemn abuses by our servant government and demand remedy to the adverse effects of its overreach and abuse of power.
Note that while Tlaib is quick to call out some forms of violence, on other occations she helps to stir it up—not one mention of the violence, and destruction by BLM or Antifa all summer long that millions of Americans bore witness to.
We simply aren’t buying it anymore, Congresswoman Tlaib. The false narrative you and your co-conspirators push that somehow the majority of this nation are a bunch of racists who seek to do harm upon their fellow countrymen is so preposterous and insulting—so, either rediscover that tough exterior for which you so arrogantly displayed while being arrested on multiple occasions, or offer an admission that you’re no longer mentally or emotionally fit to serve, and resign.
Michigan’s 13th Congressional District and its residents have been abused by Democrats and their broken promises for decades and the results are in the neighborhoods, our recovery requires a leader not an ideological theater performer.