For immediate release
Tlaib’s $2000 monthly payments would throw gasoline on the fire
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Detroit, Mich.
Michigan’s 13th Congressional District Congresswoman, Rashida Tlaib has reintroduced a bill that would hand out $2000 dollar checks to everyone in America, including illegals.
Her bill, Automatic Boost to Communities Act, incorrectly assumes congress has the power to create money. Article 1, sec. 8 clause 5 actually states that congress has the power “to coin money...” This involves the productively, labor and savings of people, not government creating, or minting money out of thin air. This action would still create new debt.
“Tlaib continues to demonstrate a pattern of a lack of understanding of how money or economies function. By handing out artificial money, she is further indebting Americans who cannot afford any more debt”.
“We need government to get out of the way, interventions such as lockdowns and restrictions on business have not worked, and are the reason our residents are suffering today”, said David “Dude” Dudenhoefer who chairs the 13th Congressional District Republicans, and who challenged Tlaib in the 2020 elections.
To contact David Dudenhoefer