H.R. 1 - "For Federal Democrat Control Act"
H.R.1, which passed the U.S. House of Representatives on March 3rd, 2021, is more than “just” a Federal takeover of all state elections systems. H.R.1 deliberately, methodically eliminates every safeguard against voter fraud, which is how Democrats hope to win forever. And it does many other crazy things. In a few highlights (this is not everything), the bill:
· Aims to bring military absentee voting under the permanent, direct review of the U.S. Department of Justice (because Democrats don’t trust the military vote.)
· Eliminates any possible audit trail for paper ballots, absentee or otherwise.
· Makes signature matching of absentee ballots so cumbersome as to effectively do away with it.
· Eliminates provisional ballots. You show up at the precinct, and if your name or address don’t match the rolls, no problem, just explain it away, and they have to put your ballot in with the big pile—no follow-up checks.
· Severely limits interstate cross-checks of voter records (looking for people registered in more than one state) by conditioning removal from the rolls on a match of the last four of the voter’s SSN—whereas very few states collect SSNs for this purpose—or on information from the ERIC system, a multistate program that some Republican-oriented states signed up for but which they never intended as the only means of ensuring voter database integrity.
· Requires all absentee ballot applicants to be offered a choice to have all future ballots automatically sent to their address indefinitely, forever, or until the cows come home.
· Mandates Atlanta-style public “drop boxes” for the anonymous submission of unmailed absentee ballots, nationwide. The drop boxes must be made available starting 45 days before an election.
· Mandates that every state automatically register every “eligible” voter, as well as prospective eligibles from the age of 16. This shifts the burden of proof from the registrant (who must show or declare eligibility, or face the liability of a fraudulent registration) to the state (which can’t really prove non-eligibility, because they don’t know who’s a citizen, and they have better things to do.) This is an instant recipe for millions of non-citizens to register and vote with no risk at all.
· Requires state government health and welfare agencies and state universities, as well as Federal field offices/facilities—VA, Social Security Administration, etc.—to help find unregistered voters (those who fell through the cracks) by constantly passing data on everyone they service to their state elections board or department, which then sifts the data to find anyone not registered. This turns state agencies into one big voter registration machine (of course, they have nothing else to do), and would require tens of billions of dollars’ worth of Information Technology upgrades.
· Empowers the Feds to tell all states how to run and use their voter databases—how to determine who is ineligible, or whether a voter record is duplicate or a voter is deceased. The Feds would also dictate as to who can access those records (the Dems want to keep it as “close hold” as possible, off the Internet, closing the path for citizen-sleuths to find tens of thousands of absentee ballots received the day of or prior to being requested, or other huge discrepancies, as with Pennsylvania 2020.) This is like the Government telling you who can drive your car, when it’s in your garage and you’re the one making payments.
If this beast passes, we will no longer have a two-party system in this country, unless the Republicans get wise quick and do what Democrats do—although, both parties doing it would cause such chaos, we might as well not have elections. We’ve been told since 2016 there’s such a huge “threat to our democracy” from Russia, but that was smoke, the threat was right here.