13th District Republicans demand impeachment of Gretchen Whitmer
During our April public meeting, live and in front of several dozen residents, the Michigan 13th Congressional District Republican Committee unanimously passed a resolution demanding that Michigan House Speaker< Jason Wentworth begin impeachment proceedings. Representative Matt Maddock has slready introduced a resolution of impeachment in the Michigan House of Representatives.
Thus far, a growing number of republican district and county parties have passed similar resolutions.
You can help by calling Speaker Wentworth to demand he begin the process. (517) 373-9862
A RESOLUTION asking the Michigan Speaker of the House
to begin impeachment proceedings against Michigan Governor Gretchen E. Whitmer
in response to her direct violations of the constitution
WHEREAS, In responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Gretchen E. Whitmer violated the constitutional rights of the people of the great State of Michigan.
WHEREAS, The Michigan Supreme Court declared that Governor Whitmer's executive orders concerning COVID-19 violate the Michigan Constitution.
WHEREAS, the Michigan Supreme Court ruled that the Emergency Powers of the Governor Act (EPGA) of 1945 is a violation of the Michigan Constitution.
WHEREAS, The Constitution for the State of Michigan, and its statutes cannot be in conflict with the Constitution for the United States of America.
WHEREAS, 16 Am Jur 2d. 98, A State of Emergency cannot supersede the Constitution or abridge the rights of the people.
WHEREAS, Governor Whitmer's executive orders issued as a result of a declared State of Emergency, did supersede the U.S. Constitution and abridge the rights of the people of Michigan.
WHEREAS, Governor Whitmer's executive orders did usurp the authority of the Michigan Legislature in violation of the separation of powers clause in Article Ill 52 of the Constitution for Michigan.
WHEREAS, 16 Am Jur 2d, 598 asserts that a declared State of Emergency does not justify any violations of the U.S. Constitution.
WHEREAS, Governor Whitmer issued an executive order that required nursing homes and long-term care facilities, with a census below 80%, to create a unit dedicated to the care of COVID-19 affected residents instead of following a common-sense practice of removing infected residents to protect our most vulnerable population.
WHEREAS, over 2,000 nursing home and long-term care facility residents have died from COVID-19 in Michigan.
WHEREAS, the unilateral actions of Governor Whitmer have been negligent and reckless demonstrating that she has violated her oath to protect and defend the constitution and the people of Michigan.
WHEREAS, Title 18 U.S.C. 241, "Conspiracy Against Rights" states that Government Officials who conspire to deprive the people of their rights are subject to criminal prosecution.
WHEREAS, Title 18 U.S.C. 5242, "Deprivation of Rights under the Color of Law" state that Government Officials who deprive the people of their rights under the color of Law are subject to criminal prosecution.
WHEREAS, Governor Whitmer, working with Attorney General Nessel, Secretary of State Benson, the Directors of the Michigan Health Department and the Michigan Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, did conspire to violate the rights of the people of Michigan to assemble, practice their religion, engage in commerce, and move about freely to conduct the business of their daily lives.
WHEREAS, Governor Whitmer, working with Attorney General Nessel, Secretary of State Benson, the Directors of the Michigan Health Department and the Michigan Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, did engage in fining, penalizing, and revoking the licenses of businesses for failure to obey and enforce the unconstitutional executive orders and further more threatened selfless healthcare workers, physicians and pharmacists attempting to treat patients infected with COVID-19 through the prescribing and dispensing of hydroxychloroquine.
WHEREAS, the executive orders issued by Governor Whitmer in response to the declared State of Emergency are criminal acts of coercion and extortion against the people of Michigan.
WHEREAS, the executive orders issued by Governor Whitmer in response to a declared State of emergency represent High Crimes and Misdemeanors.
WHEREAS, the unconstitutional actions of Governor Whitmer have caused irreparable harm to the people of Michigan.
WHEREAS, Owen v. City of Independence, 445 U.S. 622 (1980) and Maine v. Thiboutot, 448 U.S. 1 (1980): The Governor and all government officials are deemed to be Officers of the Law. Government officials cannot claim that they acted in good faith for the willful deprivation of the law and they certainly cannot claim ignorance. Therefore, Ignorance of the law is not an excuse.
WHEREAS, the United States of America is a republic under the Law. Political ideologies and special interests must never take precedence over the rule of law.
WHEREAS, nobody, especially elected officials are above the law.
WHEREAS, there is nothing partisan about holding elected officials accountable to abide by state and federal law.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 13th Congressional District Republican Committee unequivocally condemns the actions of the Governor of the State of Michigan, Gretchen E. Whitmer.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the 13th Congressional District Republican Committee requests that the Speaker of the Michigan House of Representatives, in order to fulfill his duty to the Michigan Constitution and the people of Michigan, begin impeachment proceedings against Governor Whitmer for violating Title 18 U.S.C. 241, Conspiracy Against Rights, and Title 18 U.S.C. 5242 Deprivation of Rights under the Color of Law; and, be it further
RESOLVED, that the serious nature of these details as presented, emphasize the need for urgency on the part of Speaker of the House Jason Wentworth and that this is not a time to delay action; and, be it further
RESOLVED, that, a roll call vote be taken to identify those House Members opposed to initiating impeachment proceedings; and, be it further
RESOLVED, that the 13th Congressional District Republican Committee strongly encourages other county and district political parties to pass similar resolutions; and, be it further
RESOLVED that this resolution be forwarded to the Wayne County Board of Commissioners, the State Representatives that represent Wayne County, and the Michigan Speaker of the House.
As approved by the 13th Congressional District Republican Committee on April 6, 2021 with a vote of
____ in favor and ____ opposed.
13th Congressional District Republican Committee Chairman:
David A Dudenhoefer
Vice-Chair: _____________________________________ ____________
Jodie Brown