Ban Vaccine Passports--don't let them divide us.
Who would have thought the guys with cardboard signs on the street corners had it right the whole time!
Back when the plandemic outbreak occurred, many suspected what would follow, and they have been proven correct.
Biden announced that all 2 million federal employees must be vaccinated or be harassed with useless mask mandates and weekly swab testing including other restrictions—A model for private businesses, which have already gearing up for vaccine passports through already developed technology which supports its enforcement.
These actions come on the heels of the Department of Injustice “opinion” About the enforcement of medical mandates upon all Americans.
The madness began to shape last year when politically-driven propaganda replaced open debate, when the tech oligarchs began shutting down conversation, when the mantra of “listen to these experts not those experts” began. Soon after, dissent through opposing viewpoints was treated as practically treasonous. It deepened when government threw trillions of dollars at the problem ensuring an unpayable debt burden for future generations, and made worse by government competition with business paying people to stay home. And who can forget irrational attitude against a 400-year-old medicine known as hydroxychloroquine, as well as shutting down doctors who had successful therapeutic treatments of 100% recovery when caught early.
Ivermectin has on resulted in just 2 overdoses, compare that to Tylenol which sees some 700 overdoses is annually. As bizarre as it may seem why are off brand treatments acceptable for any other condition except this government funded lab created virus?
Additionally, our frontline workers who are once considered heroes that are now being vilified for any who have come forward to expose the fudged reporting and other medical abuses by hospital systems all over the country in exchange for federal dollars.
As a result, today our government can so easily dismiss and toss away the freedoms and civil liberties they took an oath to protect and defend under the illusion of public safety—Remember your safety as a matter of personal responsibility each person assesses and takes their own risks in life, this is part of a free society.
We have reached the point of illogical madness.
Americans have been put through the ringer of a kind of mental and emotional abuse by those with political power, and by the five corporations that own just about every media outlet, with a heavy influence from Big Pharma.
As our children grapple with breathing through a virtually useless cotton mask, while playing outdoor sports, and struggling with mental stresses leading to an increase in suicide, pharmaceutical companies have enriched themselves in the hundreds of billions through an experimental drug that is being forced upon critically thinking Americans, still 50% at least who have rejected this medical tyranny.
In the year that is followed the propaganda is becoming increasingly nonsensical rooted in scientism rather than fact.
No one can explain the logic of why cash lotteries and other bribes, threats, door to door visits, and coercion are a sensible pathway to convince Americans to accept the heavily pushed medical treatment.
Keep in mind that vaccines are not a treatment of a virus, they are meant as prevention. But we are in the middle of a pandemic, and what is being pushed is not really a vaccine- it is only being marketed as a vaccine.
Despite all of this, we were assured by some leaders that once you were “vaccinated”, it would be over and life will return to normal, but Americans are quickly realizing that they were lied to.
It is not about a variant which is demonstrating itself to be nowhere near as dangerous, and while so many are focusing on infection, no one pushing this propaganda is sharing the fact that hospitalizations are still down, as are deaths of the healthy and unvaccinated.
In fact, the evidence is beginning to show at three out of four hospitalizations are of the vaccinated—this is fueling the conversation that it is in fact the Covid shot that is driving the variant.
Keep in mind this is a virus that 99.98% of the population have recovered from.
For the first time in history, we are being told that natural immunity Is virtually meaningless, flying in the face of decades of knowledge that heard immunity was the goal to get past a virus—But in the age of Big Pharma, there is no profit in natural immunity, only through indiscriminate mass vaccination. And now this control-driven madness is reaching into our children who had statistically nothing to be concerned of, and even our infant children—this is pure evil.
Since when did a health condition suspend our freedoms and civil liberties? And yet today that is exactly what we are seeing with few in public service to have the courage to speak out against it.
The perfect storm has been put in motion— Marxist momentum is barreling down the train tracks that will soon run down all of us.
Those in power who seek more power are controlled by Big Pharma, and demented human beings like Dr. Fauci, Davos, elitists who view the majority of the population as “useless eaters”, Agenda 2030, and of course, the climate fanatics who believe that unless a “drastic depopulation” occurs, our planet will destroy itself in the next 20 years.
Those in power who want to control the population both in terms of size and obedience to the state are working very hard to break our spirits by undermining our individual freedoms and dividing us through rhetoric such as falsely blaming a lack of progress on those who chose to not take the experimental shot.
Those in power, the 1% are fueling the division of the 99% and they are hoping for Civil War, we cannot fall for that divide and conquer tactic.
A government that is powerful enough to demand “papers” is more dangerous than any virus could ever be.
The people of other nations who have been oppressed for decades either through lack of freedom of speech, movement or other infringement upon individual liberty are already rising up to resist this medical/governmental tyranny. They are turning off the misinformation of the main stream media.
We must do the same in mass. Everything that they accuse you of being because you think for yourself is exactly what they are doing to all of us.
It is time for Americans to fight back as a unified 99% to oust the 1% from power.
We got here through the decades of incremental changes and abuses in government, and through a slow process of indoctrination in our schools. We got here because we became complacent and took our freedoms for granite, we can no longer do that.
Salvation rests not with any one leader, It’s through faith in God, and each one of us banding together to fight the tyranny.
One of the first steps we can take it to ban vaccine passports
Federally and locally—this takes elected representatives with a spine, and a good activist who organizes to pressure the elected official can help them locate their spine.
In Michigan HB 4789-4794, HB 4667, and HB4400, 4401 all of which effectively bans vaccine passports. 4400-4401 defunds public universities that require vaccine passports. In other states there are state bills to do the same