Tone-deaf Whitmer, Tlaib use flooding to rant on Climate Change
Last week, Detroiters, and residents of multiple suburban communities were reminded that. natures fiery does not discriminate and no one is immune to her ravages. All week long, as residents are clearing out memories, mementoes and furniture, they were also remined of government ineptitude.
Infrastructure is. one of the primary objectives of our servant government, and while citizens continue to pay their taxes year in and year out, expecting that their money is going towards solid infrastructure, ie roads, bridges, highways, water lines, and sewage, the reality is government seems more concerned about pet projects.
So when one of the worst governors and congressmen surveyed the damage, residents were appalled to listen to lectures about the democrat’s favorite boogie-man next to racism, aka “climate change.” Whitmer used the flooding to pontificate on climate change during an interview on the Paul W. Smith show, while Tlaib has been sending mass emails and social media to spread her propaganda.
Ironically, infrastructure has been topical as of late in the halls of congress, however woven into what one might think infrastructure would cover is a plethora of malevolent machinations, pushing climate change.
People are justifiably disgusted! While someone is hurting, the last thing people want to hear is a propaganda lecture on your baseless beliefs. It is tantamount to attending a funeral of a someone who was killed while driving drunk, and then lecturing the family about the dangers of drinking.
Perhaps public servants should focus on clean legislation that serves one goal, update our infrastructure for solid roads that last longer than 5 years, and water and sewage lines that provide clean water without metals and rust, and to clear out our sewage safely.