America's Greatest Threat
While this nation toys with economic armegeddon—Across the Atlantic far away from “wokeness”, climate change, and Dr. Seuss is a nation building itself into what is on pace to become the greatness nation on the planet.
China is laser focused on world domination at every level.
Our last legitimate President, warned us that we had better start dealing with China in a serious way or they will stomp us out and everything we stand for as a free society. President Trump wanted to not only buld our moral (and in 4 short years he did just that), but he focused in building our econoy, military, while securing our borders.
In just 50+ days of the fake President, Biden and his anti-American reprobates have
dried up energy independence,
destroyed jobs,
began hemoraging the borders,
sunk us $2 trillion more in debt
Further dividing us
impose control measures like vaccine cards, and take away our guns
weakend our nation
While they allow a flood of illegals, many of them children sent by drug cartels, criminals, and COVID infected individuals, our government has wasted billions on walling up our nation’s capital because YOU, the patriots pose the greatest threat to their lust for power and control, while they sell us out to China!
We need to stop feeding into the mainsteam media distractions—everyone needs to pressure their elected representatives to become equally focused as China is on building up our military, economy and to keep China at the forefront of policy decisions. We need to be resolute in our actions and unified to perserive our way of life or it can easily be wiped away by a country several thousand miles away.