Child abusers get past parents, and you fund it
Parents have become increasingly guarded over the years with abusers of children finding new ways to reach their victims.
The internet, for example, has created new pathways for victimizers to get to children, and sometimes actually serving to bring children to the victimizers, quietly and in broad daylight.
Child abuse can occur at home from family members or within institutions you may least expect—and we know that abuse comes in many forms, physical, emotional and mental.
So, when parents learn that the public schools they send their child to for an education, and that taxpayers fund has become a breeding ground for abuse, they are shocked to discover it’s not just physical, and it’s not a particular staff member, but rather an approved education curriculum.
Right now, there are school districts across our nation teaching children to hate themselves because of their race. Even worse, they are fooled into believing that their biology is “fluid” and that they can be something other than what natures God made them to be.
in fact, in some districts, biology is no longer being taught at all!
Case in point, in New York city, teachers are required to indoctrinate pre-K students about “transgender affirmation.” These lesson plans include teaching students that “Everyone has a right to choose their gender by listening to their own heart and mind, they can be a boy or a girl, neither or something else.”
Some of the worst political propaganda being pushed onto our children in many school districts across the nation include places like Buffalo which implemented “The office of culturally and linguistically responsive initiative” – Their curriculum includes “Do Black Lives Matter in America?” By the end of the lesson the endorsement of a political movement by the schools becomes clear-- “...students will understand the need for the BLM movement in America.”
By 5th grade those same students in Buffalo are being taught, “…disrupting the western-prescribed nuclear family structure.” Lessons like these are being pushed in the name of “equity and social justice.”
Additionally, schools are brainwashing students into believing that while George Washington was a fraud, failed football players like Colin Kaepernick are “moral heroes.”
They are being taught to reject Thanksgiving while enshrining something called “indigenous people day.” The ignorance in this is that had any of these people bothered to learn about human history they would know that virtually no one is indigenous, that all people including Indians came from somewhere.
in schools across the nation students are being spoon-fed lessons on how the murderous “Black Panthers… successfully protected the black family.”
In Seattle, students are told that police are the real problem, and “any incarceration of black people is a form of state violence.” This is yet another example of political propaganda over basic education that your taxes are sponsoring.
Another example of where your tax dollars are used to mentally abuse children comes through a program called “Deep Equity” which is given to teachers as a teaching method that cost taxpayers just under $500 thousand to implement “real improvement for equity and social justice.” These seems reasonable until parents learn that their definition of equity and equality differ from the extreme far-left version of controlling the outcomes of individuals and pushing reverse racism.
Deep Equity teacher training includes ideas like this, “see race. Listen to and learn from people of color. Acknowledge the reality of racism. Acknowledge the reality of white racial privilege, transcend guilt…” and to “…educate other white people. “…use your privilege to work for racial and social justice.”
What is being taught to impressionable minds at a young age is civilization crushing and spiritually killing—to mold young minds into a corrosive way of thinking that will only lead to self-destruction. What’s worse is that these deeply flawed ideas are being taught at an age when children do not see these differences, and they accept one another as individuals at a simplistic level.
The goal of these Marxists should be obvious, to create race-hate, to propagandize the false narrative of “white supremacy”, to create division which may lead to a race war, and to shred any last remaining evidence of meritocracy in our country--This academic hate teaching is being done to ensure the self-protection of political elitists, and to preserve their power for decades to come.
Much of this academic terrorism has only been going on since 2018, but already the adverse effects on the family unit, faith, science, mathematics, and common sense has disrupted the progress of individual achievement, social skills and health development. The long term effects on the wellbeing of our nation are frighteningly unknown.
Parents, as well as every taxpayer who object to this form of abusive child exploitation should demand at every local school board meeting that the type of garbage being passed off as education be eradicated from their school curriculum. Our children must be treated like children and not as political pawns in a sick game by some extremely damaged and ignorant individuals whose damage could be felt for a generation or more.
Public servants must be held to account and taken to task if they promote this false orthodoxy though the information war being waged on our children.
In the end, what is going on in many of our nation’s schools is yet another example of the danger in pushing collectivism over individualism. Those who write the laws for the benefit of a group rather than to defend the liberty of each individual are themselves creating the division they claim to want eradicated.
Many Americans sense the nefarious intentions underneath this new BLM school agenda, and we must stand up to these corrosive attempts to undermine what makes our nation great, the rule of law and its equal application, along with the defense of individual liberty.